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Our principles

“Dream” company

This one sums up all the others. When we started Whimsical, our goal was to create the company that we would want to work for. This same vision still guides the decisions we make. For example, when faced with a decision, we ask ourselves what would make Whimsical more of a dream company? Then we try our best to do that.

In essence, a dream company means “doing great work in a great way.” (note: the only way to do this is to have great people!)

Doing great work

  • Huge vision and ambition
  • High bar for excellence (a.k.a. craftsmanship)
  • Care deeply about our customers
  • Use our own product daily (not required but a huge benefit)

…in a great way

  • High-trust environment
  • Low amount of meetings
  • Freedom of location and schedule
  • Working sustainably with long-term health in mind
  • Strong connection to each other
  • Solid compensation (both salary and equity)
  • High organizational transparency
  • Top performers get promoted
  • No internal politics or unnecessary red tape
Async first

Quick start guide

Adopting a new way of working can feel overwhelming, so here are a few practical steps you can start using today to experience the benefits of The Whimsical Way.

Quick start guide

Inspired by

We didn’t come up with all these ideas ourselves. We have borrowed many of them from others. We’re inspired and guided along the way by a collection of companies and individuals and their ways of doing things:

  • No Rules Rules by Reed Hastings (Netflix)
  • Creativity, Inc by Ed Catmull (Pixar)
  • Apple and Steve Jobs (many, many books)
  • Buffer
  • 37signals
  • Doist
  • Build by Tony Fadell (Nest)
  • Amp It Up by Frank Slootman (Snowflake)
  • Working Backwards by Colin Bryar and Bill Carr (Amazon)