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We built docs for shaping product ideas

Get buy-in faster and stay aligned with written and visual context.


Express ideas quickly

Write with focus and clarity using our rich text editor.

  • Limited text styles for fast formatting decisions
  • Drag-and-drop text blocks for easy editing
  • Keyboard shortcuts and Markdown for speed

Add visual clarity

Stack docs with contextual details that build understanding.

  • Embed flowcharts, mind maps, and wireframes
  • Add rich content to tables and discussion threads
  • Use at-mentions to reference and notify teammates

Connect sources of truth

Share and manage living documentation from one workspace.

  • Automatic backlinks for easy context-gathering
  • Nested docs to organize related info
  • Live updates for linked and embedded files

Build confidence with one doc

Learn how teams use our docs

Create clarity throughout your workflow

Get your team on the same page