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Comments 2.0

Steve SchoeffelChief Creative Officer
1 min read · November 14, 2018
1 min read
Nov 14, 2018
Link copied to your clipboard
Steve SchoeffelChief Creative Officer
1 min read · November 14, 2018
Link copied to your clipboard


Mention your teammates in comments and they’ll get an email notification. Just type “@” and then select your teammate. Note, this is only available in team workspaces.

Mentions let you notify someone in comments

Resolve Comments

When you’re all done with a comment thread, you can resolve it. By default, resolved comments are hidden. If you’d like to view them, you can toggle this option in Comment Settings inside of the comment sidebar.

Resolve comments when you're done with them to hide them

Edit Comments

Now you can fix your typos 😀

Easily edit comments

Hide Comments on the Board

If comments are taking too much attention or getting in your way while you’re working, you can hide them by toggling the option in Comment Settings.

Optionally hide comments from the board if they are distracting

Paste Images into Comments

If you need to include a screenshot or an image in your comment, you can paste images directly from your clipboard.

Paste images into comments

Rich Text Formatting in Comments

Lots of new styling options are now available inside of comments, including:

  • bulleted lists
  • numbered lists
  • code blocks
  • bold & italic
Rich Text Formatting in Comments

Search Inside Your Board

Search through all the text on the board – including comments and content inside Sticky Note cards.

Search Inside Your Board

Include Board Position for Shared Links

When you share a link to one of your boards, you can specify a particular part of the board that will be seen when someone opens the link. Want them to see everything? Zoom all the way out. Want them to just focus on one small portion? Zoom in to that content. Then toggle “Include Board Position” in the link sharing popup.

Include Board Position for Shared Links

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