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Product updates

Our latest features and improvements to help you work faster with greater focus.

  1. Filter selection

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    You can now filter a selection of items down to just the ones you want. Select items on a board, click the filter menu, and choose a shape or color. Presto: the matching items are selected! Try it out the next time you need to move or style items in bulk.

    Made by
    • Todd Moy
    • Daniel Compton
  2. Paste mermaid text as a flowchart

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    You can paste mermaid flowcharts as Whimsical flowcharts.

    Mermaid is a diagram format written in plain text. It is often stored alongside source code or other technical documentation.Once pasted, you can immediately start editing and customizing your flowchart. Add new steps, change texts, or adjust the design to make it fit your needs. This feature makes it simple to bring in diagrams from other tools or documents and continue working on them in Whimsical.

    Get started by pasting this example flowchart into a board:

    graph LR
    A[User requests password reset]
    B{Is the user registered?}
    A --> B
    B -- Yes --> C[Send password reset link to user's email]
    C --> D[User receives password reset link]
    B -- No --> E[Inform user that they are not registered]
    Made by
    • Kaspars Dancis
    • Daniel Compton
    • Rob Fisher
  3. File mentions and previews

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    Mentions for files have been improved. When you paste a Whimsical link into another Whimsical file, the link will now automatically convert to a mention, removing the bloat of raw URLs. You can also preview the file in a thumbnail on hover.

    Made by
    • Todd Moy
    • Nate Hunzaker
  4. SCIM is now generally available for JumpCloud

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    Customers that use JumpCloud for identity management can now add and remove workspace members with SCIM. Using SCIM lets your organisation centralize user management, and streamline onboarding and offboarding of users to Whimsical. This feature is available to customers on our Org plan.

    Learn more about enabling SCIM for JumpCloud, or contact sales to upgrade to an Org plan.

    Made by
    • Daniel Compton
  5. More text formatting options for board objects

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    Now you can add headers, assign paragraph styles and create lists in flowcharts, mind maps, and sticky notes right from the toolbar—or using the same keyboard shortcuts available in docs.

    Made by
    • Inge Solvoll
    • Richard Bata
  6. Mention teammates anywhere

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    Type @ followed by a teammate's name to easily reference them in-line in docs and boards. Only mentions used inside comment threads will send notifications.

    Made by
    • Dāvis Mednis
  7. Text editor performance improvements

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    Text editing is now twice as fast and load times have been cut in half. Most notable for longer documents like recurring 1:1 agendas, blog posts, and project plans.

    Made by
    • Nate Hunzaker
  8. When typing accented characters:

    • Characters are now inserted correctly using the Apple accent menu. Previously, two characters were inserted instead of one.

    When typing in Korean:

    • Hitting enter now ends the composition and inserts a new line. Before, users had to hit enter twice to enter a new line.
    • Extra characters are no longer inserted at the beginning of an entry.

    When composing characters: (e.g., Japanese)

    • The first character no longer disappears.
    • The cursor no longer jumps to the beginning of a line entry.
    • Text no longer duplicates or submits accidentally before confirming the selection.
    Made by
    • Maria Geller
    • Nate Hunzaker
  9. Whimsical AI for sticky notes

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    Discover solutions faster with AI-generated sticky notes. Enter a topic or problem and Whimsical AI will instantly generate a series of ideas or solutions on sticky notes.

  10. Remove your account photo

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    If you're not fond of your current profile photo and don't want to upload a new one, you can now just remove it.

Build better, faster

Whimsical is the interconnected workspace for projects, docs, and visual collaboration.